4 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Quality Control

By Tim Wesselman on May 21, 2024 9:04:52 AM

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and practical skills in advanced nCounter data analysis. Dr. Ryan Friese (VP of Rosalind Customer Experience) hosts the series to share his best practices from years of working hands-on with scientists in BioPharma and Academia as a Field Application Scientist for NanoString.

Topics: BioInformatics NanoString Partnerships
3 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Custom Normalization

By Tim Wesselman on May 3, 2024 11:30:24 AM

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and practical skills in advanced nCounter data analysis. Dr. Ryan Friese (VP of Rosalind Customer Experience) hosts the series to share his best practices from years of working hands-on with scientists in BioPharma and Academia as a Field Application Scientist for NanoString.

Topics: BioInformatics NanoString Partnerships
3 min read

NanoString Masterclass: Custom Pruning of Low Expression Probes

By Kuki Gandhi on Apr 19, 2024 1:35:57 PM

Earlier this month, we launched NanoString Masterclass Series, designed to enhance scientific understanding and practical skills in advanced nCounter data analysis. Dr. Ryan Friese (VP of Rosalind Customer Experience) hosts the series to share his best practices from years of working hands-on with scientists in BioPharma and Academia as a Field Application Scientist for NanoString.

Topics: BioInformatics NanoString Partnerships
2 min read

Rebus and Rosalind to Codevelop Spatial Omics Analysis Software

By Cassandra Wesselman on Jun 8, 2022 8:21:00 AM

The partnership aims to democratize single-cell spatial analysis data captured on the Rebus Esper™ system and increase biological understanding.

Topics: Cancer BioInformatics Rosalind Public Data Collaboration Single Cell Partnerships
3 min read

How ROSALIND protects your data

By Fletcher Easton on Nov 30, 2021 8:46:53 AM

ROSALIND is cloud-native platform that harnesses industry-leading best practices and the strength of Google Cloud Platform to ensure the highest level of cybersecurity available for enterprises Pharma, academic institutions, and the Federal Government.

Topics: BioInformatics Rosalind Public Data Cybersecurity Enterprise
3 min read

In The News:  ROSALIND welcomes partners HELiXrUS and Geninus

By Arizona Milotich on Apr 15, 2021 8:35:57 AM

These new partnerships are intended to bring powerful new Single Cell Analysis Services to Cancer Researchers. ROSALIND adds a Web-based solution to offer advanced biological analysis and interpretation of Single Cell Clusters in tumor genome profiling experiments. 

Topics: Cancer BioInformatics Rosalind Public Data Collaboration Single Cell Partnerships
4 min read

In The News: ROSALIND builds NEW COVID-19 Variant Monitor SYSTEM

By Tim Wesselman on Mar 23, 2021 4:19:53 PM

This new web-based system, developed with NIH funding, will aid in monitoring emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and the performance of diagnostic tests

Topics: BioInformatics Rosalind Public Data Collaboration COVID-19
3 min read

Getting More Out of Single Cell Experiments with ROSALIND®

By Jay Gerlach on Nov 10, 2020 8:20:56 AM

Single Cell Gene Expression studies are becoming an essential tool for understanding the complex interplay of cells in both healthy and diseased tissue. Thanks to huge strides forward in technologies enabling the partitioning and sequencing of individual cells, we are seeing an explosion of new Single Cell studies across a variety of fields. In many cases, it seems that the ability to produce data is outpacing the ability extract meaning from the data. ROSALIND is seeking to close this gap by accelerating upstream data processing and providing an intuitive user interface for downstream analysis of cell clusters.

ROSALIND utilizes cloud-scale data processing and an intuitive graphical user interface to make processing of 10x Genomics cell ranger datasets both faster and easier. Alignment, quantification, and download of default clustering results can be performed easily by non-expert users without the need for onsite computer processing power.

ROSALIND also supports downstream analysis of cell clusters generated in the 10x Loupe Browser. Cell clusters defined in Loupe can be compared with one another at the level of individual genes, pathways, drugs, other key terms. This unlocks the next era of Single Cell research which will focus on developing deep understanding of the biology of each cell type cluster in a given context and the identification of actionable markers.


We are excited to participate in the Single Cell Sequencing revolution and look forward to building on the capabilities we have already established by responding to the needs of our user base. We encourage you to try ROSALIND’s new Single Cell Analysis features and let us know what you think.  Video tutorials can be found within the ROSALIND user interface and we are available to perform demos of the new functionality.

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2 min read

Making the invisible… visible.

By Cassandra Wesselman on Nov 6, 2020 12:31:54 PM

What is Corporate Leadership? While operating responsibly should always take priority, Corporate Leadership requires us to focus on the very nature of our activities, going even deeper than our actions around Corporate Social Responsibility. This aspect of leadership defines the character of an entity, the impressions often left in its wake, and holds the tone across the organization and all its choices.

In the Life Sciences industry, corporations have unique advantages that smaller research and academic institutions often struggle with: resources and velocity. Private Equity and income generation provide more attainable financial support, and dedicated teams with cyclical workstreams allow for expediency when reaching for outcomes. The effective application of these resources to timely and impactful initiatives related to human health, environmental science, and the convergence of biology and technology is crucial for corporations looking to lead our society towards a better world.

Corporate leadership also paves the path forward to enable those who will hold the torch of leadership. This includes whose and what programs are supported and uplifted to succeed and allocating resources to focus on important efforts that help make what may have been unseen, acknowledged.

Our company is proud to be a founding member of the Rosalind Franklin Society’s Council on Corporate Leadership. This Council focuses on recognizing and fostering the contributions of women and minorities across scientific professions and institutions. The importance of fostering such work is fundamental to our core values, having named our company in honor of Rosalind Franklin and her pioneering spirit as we strive to empower all scientists in collaborative discoveries that transform our world.

The mission of the Council on Corporate Leadership is to create a more diverse landscape for scientific achievements, in a way that powerfully recognizes important work by every scientist.    

In the coming months, the Council on Corporate Leadership will be building its base of corporate partners and engaging them on strategies to recognize great achievements while addressing inequities of women and minorities in science. The Council will convene at a dedicated colloquium during the RFS annual board meeting this December, featuring Nobel Laureates, senior scientists as well as young researchers and leaders of promise. The Council will also be supporting the financing and allocation of the Rosalind Franklin Award given annually to pioneering women in the industrial, biotechnology, and agriculture sectors who have made significant contributions to the advancement of the bio-based economy and biotech innovation.

Rosalind is very excited to be part of this important new initiative and we encourage our colleagues to get involved. Those interested in becoming a corporate partner should reach out to Cassandra Wesselman by emailing: cassandra@rosalind.bio

Topics: Transcriptome BioInformatics Rosalind Pathways
2 min read

Deeper Insights with Gene Set Variation Analysis

By Tim Wesselman on Oct 27, 2020 8:13:36 AM

Opening a new door to discovery, ROSALIND now empowers scientists to explore experiment results by key terms (Pathways, Signatures, Diseases and Drugs) that are significantly enriched across all samples using GSVA scores. You can access Term Exploration within the Discovery and Analysis section of each experiment. ROSALIND has been pre-computing these scores for the past several months, so many existing experiments already have this new analysis ready for exploration.

Every experiment and scientific question seeks to find insights on biological processes and pathways. Prior to now, this scientific journey always began with an exploration of genes to uncover the changes to underlying pathways. Now, you can begin exploring Pathways and significant Terms regardless of comparisons or cut-offs.

Topics: Transcriptome BioInformatics Rosalind Pathways