Working with Public Data is important to nearly every Scientist in our community. Unfortunately, it's harder than it should be to work with these valuable datasets.  We all see and hear the news each week of exciting discoveries and breakthroughs in leading research, yet accessing and analyzing these Public Datasets, especially from RAW (SRA), requires determination, persistence and more coding skills than should be required of Scientists today.

I'm thrilled to announce that this week, we enabled unlimited NCBI Public Data import and exploration on ROSALIND for our Scientists, Explorers and Directors. This is simply the best way to work with Public Data anywhere and it works like this:

When creating a new experiment, simply choose between Public Data or one of your own datasets. 

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This is included with each of our ROSALIND Plans and does not require the use of any Analysis Units, regardless of the size and number of samples in the experiment.

Request a Call-Back and Demo

Next, enter an NCBI BioProject Accession number

v3.11 Public Data Accession Entry

The experiment details pre-load in seconds...  

v3.11 Public Data Import Preview

Try Collaboration Spaces with a 14-Day Trial

All that remains is the confirmation of the experiment design, including kit selection, setting replicates and defining the desired comparisons (this can also be done after processing has completed).

v3.11 Public Data Import Summary

ROSALIND launches the experiment next and completely automates the public data download, data analysis pipelines and prepares beautifully interactive plots and diagrams to explore experiment results with complete pathway enrichment interpretation.



After the analysis completes, the exploration really begins: add new cutoffs or comparisons, explore pathways and gene ontology, create a meta-analysis across comparisons, or to investigate patterns with your own datasets. 

I couldn't be more proud of our team and incredible experience ROSALIND now brings to public data exploration. If you don't already have an account or subscription, start a free Scientist trial so you can test this out for yourself. 

Tim Wesselman

Written by Tim Wesselman

Tim Wesselman is Founder of Rosalind (formerly OnRamp Bio) and CEO since 2013. For the 20 years prior to starting Rosalind, Tim had been dedicated to understanding next-generation servers and storage solutions. Serving as Vice President at Hewlett-Packard, he led strategy & partnerships with the market leaders in big data software, advanced processors and cloud computing. These partners included known names, like FaceBook, MapR, Cloudera and DataStax with solutions that companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Baidu and many others heavily rely on today. Seeing the opportunity to bring this knowledge of advanced computing technology into the healthcare space, Tim founded and launched Rosalind to empower researchers, doctors and drug developers to accelerate genomic discoveries through collaboration so that we all can realize the promise of precision medicine and unlock biology's greatest unknowns.